Monday, August 2, 2010

Working hard

I have most of my body done thus far. All of the content, theory, study sample/area, etc etc. It's all done!!! Well, it needs a bit of work, but the bulk is there and I am pretty happy with it.

I'm afraid Ill be going over the page limit though, story of my life. So hopefully the page limitation is just a suggestion. I will definitely try to keep in concise, I just have so much to say!

Im also debating doing something different for my case study section. As it will be mostly information taken from online sources, such as posts, videos, images, etc. I was thinking that instead of a long report on each case, I could do a little video montage. Besides, my whole paper is about media and visuals, it would be an interesting way of doing it. Something like doing all the research and write up on all the theory and background information, then a few pages on each of the cases to give a bit of background, but the bulk of the showcasing of different perspectives would be done visually through a video rather than talking about it. I'm still debating this idea, given that I have not fully delved into that section yet, I am not sure if Ill find a lot of visuals or whether they will mostly be reports. If the latter, then continuing on with writing an elaborated section would be best, but if most of the information I find is videos and images, it may be more relevant to present in that format. Just a thought, what do you think?

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