Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's started

I have been really touched (and frustrated) by the weekend's events, which has coincidentally motivated me to include the G20 in Toronto and the use of Twitter in my report. Perhaps this will provide me the inspiration I need to start the writing process. Yesterday I wrote out an introduction. I have decided to use my experience in the G20 as a good starting point and introduction of my own use and experience with Twitter, then go into 3 case studies. One in a developed country (Canada), an industrializing country (Iran) and a developing country (TBD). All of which will focus on the use of Twitter during political events, whether it was for political mobilization, or the spreading of knowledge. Perhaps I will find that in each country case, the tool is used for a different outcome, so it would be interesting to look at the barriers and advances which allow for that level of use, and why it is used for one particular purpose over another.

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