Saturday, June 19, 2010


My subject has got to be tweaked a bit. The whole Media and Development theme was the initial inspiration for a project, however after a lot of research, the subject was just too overwhelming to be able to narrow it down to a concise and relevant topic. Information and stories were pulling me in all directions and I could not come up with a specific enough project that would allow me to be focused in one aspect of these themes.

So my solution was to focus on one aspect of media (Twitter) and loosely tie it to development (in the way that it is being used in a revolutionary fashion to bring light to the rest of the world on issues or events that are happening where there is political oppression or development barriers). But this again may be too vague after some discussion on the topic yesterday.

So in an attempt to solve this issue, I think I will re-focus my topic on the concept of 'who writes history', and 'memory', in the way in which memory and history is being written by the masses rather than the white elitist. Or is it? There in lies the question. We assume that by using such social media sites that it is giving voice to the masses and the minority and those who are oppressed, but has anyone looked at the demographics of these sites? Do they really represent the minorities? Or are they still ruled by white, intellectual, upper-middle class citizens?

That's what I hope to discover...

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